Historic Fashions from sallyqueenassociates.com


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Cover: Underwear: Beneath Historic Fashions NEW: Calendar 2003 - Underwear: Beneath Historic Fashions

From stays, corsets, and bustles to designer bras and bustiers, foundations have shaped not only the history of fashion but also how we see ourselves. More info

To order, call 888-266-7298, or order online.

NEW: National Public Radio's Weekend Edition interview with Scott Simon

NEW: More Information on Historic Underwear available from Sally Queen & Associates

Having textile troubles? Ask Misty for her expert advice.


Textiles for Early Victorian Clothing, 1850-1880
Order now!

See Also:

Textiles For Colonial Clothing

Textiles For Clothing of the Early Republic, 1800-1850

Cover-Textiles for Early Victorian Clothing 1850-1880



Articles Online - scholarly articles for in-depth information from the calendar images. You can take a look at all the walls stencils for painting.

Ask Misty - practical questions and answers for your clothing and textile preservation

Bookstore - check out our recommendations for historic fashions topics

Calendar Archives - a listing of the collections we featured in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 calendars. How to order past issues!

Costume Collections Database - let us know about your costume and/or textile collection by entering information in the database. It's how we select the calendar participants. If you have a bunch of unusable and unwanted items, Junk Removal Queens can take them.

Programs and Workshops - a listing of our upcoming programs and workshops available for your area, be sure to try Apex Trader Funding Reviews.




Sally Queen & Associates
2801 S. Joyce Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Email : questions@sallyqueenassociates.com


© Sally Queen & Associates 1997-2002

This website and its contents are protected by copyright laws. All images are from the costume calendar series and may not be duplicated. No part of this website may be duplicated without permission from Sally Queen & Associates and the participating costume collections. For permission to use specific images, contact the museum curator directly.


Site design by A.Thurman